Získajte 2000 míľ do vernostného programu Lufthansy Miles & More za každý pobyt v sieti hotelov Best Western vo vybraných stredoeurópskych krajinách. Jedná sa o veľmi zaujímavú ponuku, kedže nie je stanovený minimálny počet nocí a ani minimálna cena za rezerváciu.
Miles & More míle za pobyt v Best Western
Za každé ubytovanie od 1. septembra do 31. decembra 2021 získate základných 500 míľ a bonus 1500 míľ. Táto ponuka je platná na prvé tri pobyty. Viac po sebe nasledujúcich nocí v tom istom hotely budú považované za jeden pobyt aj v prípade separátnych rezervácií.
Ponuku môžete využiť pri cestách v Nemecku, Rakúsku, Švajčiarsku, Českej republike, Slovinsku, Maďarsku, Chorvátsku a Luxembursku.
Pred prvou rezerváciou sa na túto ponuku musíte zaregistrovať na webovej stránke Best Western. Ubytovanie musíte rezervovať priamo s Best Western.
Míle do Miles & More môžete získať aj za rezerváciu ubytovania cez Booking.com.
Ako najvýhodnejšie využiť vaše míle vo vernostnom programe Miles & More.
Terms & Conditions
- The offer is valid for stays in all Best Western hotels in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, The offer is valid between September 1 and December 31, 2021.
- The extra award miles will be awarded for the first three (3) stays in the promotional period.
- A one-time registration for the promotion is required.
- Award miles will not be credited for stays taken before registration.
- Consecutive nights in the same hotel always count as one stay, even if the nights have been booked separately. This means that for a stay of two consecutive nights in the same hotel, for example, only one credit of award miles will be made.
- Miles cannot be earned for group rates or packages, conference rates or packages, organizer rates, long-term apartments, Priceline or other auction sites, staff rates or travel agent rates, unit-based Travel Cards (AC/UC rate) or special rates for long-term stays.
- The miles can only be awarded to the Miles & More service cardholder if this individual has personally checked in to the hotel.
- Miles can only be earned in respect of the room occupied by the Miles & More member.
- Best Western Points credits already granted cannot subsequently be converted to miles.
- Best Western reserves the right to change the conditions relating to the earning of miles at any time.
- The terms and conditions of participation of Miles & More apply.